Everlywell Health Profile

─── 2022
Data is key to enhancing any digital experience. How do you create an experience that encourages users to give us health data? And how do you reflect value back to them?
Every user has a unique health goal, health history, and health path. The challenge was to create a collection experience that had a high completion rate while and personalized the user's health journey with Everlywell.

User test:
8 users, 1 health profile concept, 3 personalization concepts


1. Users may be uncomfortable with giving private health data.

2. Users may think 10 questions are too many questions to answer.

3. Users are uncomfortable answering very personal questions like family history.


On a scale of 1-5 of comfortability with answering questions, 3 users rated 4 and 5 users rated 5. Overall, we were pleasantly surprised by people's eagerness to fill out the data.

Instead of being put off by personal questions, users were actually eager to give user data. In fact, they expected it.


Depending on the user's answers, they are shown different things in their results or user dashboard.


User health data and health history


Personalized recommendations, health facts, and tool tips